Wednesday, 16 October 2019

To eat

1) Restaurant/pizzeria Pizzikotto (10% discount for those staying in the apartment)
- Facebook
At lunch, dish (appetizer, first plate, second plate, vegetables, dessert) of:
- land (9.20 euros)
- sea (9.50 euros)

2) Restaurant Bacio:
- internet site
- Facebook

For lunch, 10 euro menu:
- first
- second
- buffet vegetables

- water
- wine
- coffè

If confirmed at the restaurant (phone 035 - 27 13 47) within 11 am, it is possible to pick up the lunch menu (10 euros) in the evening: 
- first 
- second 
- vegetables (double portion). 

It's about 2 meals you can heat in the microwave:
- at house, in the evening
- at Ryanair Trainig center, the day after.

During the phone call by 11 am it is possible to choose, among the different options of the day, which first, which second, which vegetables.

Wednesday, 9 October 2019


At the ceck in you will receive the following access keys.

1 At the courtyard of the condominium (external door)

2 At the condominium (internal door)

3 At the apartament, on the fourth floor

4 At the condominium, from the garages

5 At the garbage room

6 At the park


For each conductor (person who rents the bed), it is mandatory, as per contract, the reception of the following accessories.

1 mattress cover (which every conductor must always use, as per contract)

2 pillowscases (which every conductor must always use, as per contract) with 2 pillowes

4 sheets (to allow washing, with the home washing machine, 2 sheets)

1 medium to large towel
1 small towel

(washable) duvet

1 duvet cover

1 bedspreads

By signing the contract for the ceck in, cleaning, ceck out service, each conductor agrees to undertakes to have these accessories washed, dried and ironed.

The following accessories are also present in the apartment:
vacuum cleaner

ironing board






reducers / multiple sockets

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Ceck in: hours and what to do in Bergamo waiting for it

It is possible that the ceck in has been fixed during the day hours only and exclusively in the following days:
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Thursday
- Friday.

On weekends it is very likely that the check in is in the evening hours, as the owner of the apartment (which has no reception) is often far from Bergamo.

What to do while waiting for the check in?

First of all, deposit your luggage.

At the Train Station, in Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, there are two possibilities to leave your luggage:

- automatic external lockers positioned between the Mc Donald and the Bus Station  (map), a 24-hour service, the cheapest option

- an office (looking at the station on the right, next to the Railway Police), open from 7am to 8pm, with a person in charge, with slightly more expensive service.

At the bus station, in front of the train station, an automatic coin changer is available.

In Bergamo, there are also other luggage storage points, also:
- near Via Borgo Palazzo
- at the airport

Leaving your luggage at the airport can be useful if you want to go to the Oriocenter (for example in case of rain), reachable by walking from the airport.

Secondly, a visit to the upper part of the city is mandatory.

Any information here

If you have 6 hours available:

Then there is also the lower part of the city:

During the 6 challenging weeks of the Ryanair course, perhaps, there will be no more opportunity ... better take advantage of it!

And then you will also have other places to visit, for example Montisola.

Ceck in with direct payment (10 euros) to the person in charge of cleaning the apartment is:

- possible in the weekend as an alternative to the above

- mandatory on holidays (from 24/12 to 8/01, Easter, august)

Monday, 16 September 2019

10 euros a week for a basic cleaning

"I have just read the contract but before sending it to you I have a doubt, maybe I haven't understand well. Do I have to pay 10€ / week for the cleaning staff ? "

Yes, that is correct. 

Exactly how they will have to do:
- person you share your double room and the common parts 
other 2 persons in the second double room you share the common parts 

Every single Ryanair course attendant, or student, ecc... must pay 10 euros every week.
1,42 euros every day.

It means 1 person working:
-  1 hour a week, if you are alone in the apartment

- 2 hours a week, if you are 2 persons in the apartment
- 3 hours a week, if you are 3 persons in the apartment
- 4 hours a week, if you are 4 persons in the apartment

It is the minimum time to have not a perfect order and cleaning, but a basic one.

And a guarantee for you that you will not be the only person to contribute to cleaning, reducing your risk you clean a lot and your roomate does not clean at all.

The only alternative it is a total mess.

The balcony reduced as an open dump, where nobody cares to make the differentiate garbage.

The kitchen a mess.

To not write abouth the bathroom and the 2 double rooms.

It is a problem of TIME.
The Ryanair course is not impossible, but very challenging for sure.
Many hours every day in classroom, then you have to study by your own.

You do not have time to clean and order the apartment. 

At the end, even the most cleaned and ordered person, without time, is forced to live in a dirty space.

And for you, to study and become a Ryanair flight attendant is more important than cleaning my apartment ;-)

That's why in the contract is written:

"11) (Obblighi e Divieti)
Il conduttore, pena l’immediata rescissione automatica del contratto, senza restituzione del deposito cauzionale, si impegna a:


- prestare la massima collaborazione affinchè le parti comuni (cucina, bagno, terrazzo, corridoio) siano costantemente, in qualunque momento, sempre pulite ed ordinate

- mantenere sempre pulita ed in ordine tutta la porzione di camera circostante il proprio letto

- provvedere, a proprie spese, al pagamento (in misura massima convenuta in euro 10 a settimana, per ogni settimana) di personale addetto alle pulizie (preselezionato dal locatore), inviando ogni settimana, all’indirizzo email, la ricevuta di tale avvenuto pagamento

- provvedere immediatamente, a proprie spese, agli interventi di ordinaria manutenzione, riparare danni prodotti da colpa, negligenza o cattivo uso dei locali, degli impianti e del mobilio esistente
- lasciare sempre aperta la propria camera da letto, per consentire ceck-in/ceck-out di altri conduttori, pulizie, ispezioni

Il conduttore, pena la rescissione automatica del contratto, senza restituzione del deposito cauzionale, si impegna altresì a non:


- fare errori e/o dimenticanze nella raccolta differenziata dell'immondizia

- lasciare alcun oggetto proprio nelle parti comuni (esempio: libri in cucina, salviette in bagno, …)

The person in charge of cleaning, after having carried out his work, will deliver the receipt to you, signed by you, for your payment. 

" Bergamo, ...... 

I, the undersigned ................... (person in charge of cleaning in the apartment in Via Borgo Palazzo 95, fourth floor), 
                                         I RECEIVE 
from Mr / Mrs ................... ................ 10 euros, for an hour of cleaning that I made in the apartment in Via Borgo Palazzo, 95, fourth floor, in the day .........

.......................  (signature of the person in charge of cleaning) "

I ask you, as per contract, to send me this receipt (by email or whatsapp)

Thursday, 30 May 2019

The reviews of the people who stayed in the apartment in Via Borgo Palazzo, n. 95

The people who stayed in the apartment in Via Borgo Palazzo, n. 95, if they want, they can write here, as a comment to this post, their opinions, reviews, suggestions, ....

Here in italian.

How to receive further informations, book, pay

Those interested must scrupulously follow the procedure below. FIRST   READ CAREFULLY this blog where you will find information, PHO...