Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Differentiate garbage

To differentiate the garbage is STRICTLY MANDATORY according to comunal and condominium rules.

" Article 3 Limits to the use of common parts
g) It is forbidden to deposit landfill material in the common areas and in the garbage local. It is mandatory to comply with the municipal waste differentiation provisions.

In the apartment there are 5 bagholders:

- in the kitchen, 1 plastic (use yellow bags), 1 for paper 
(use bags of any color)

- on the terrace, 1 white for organic (use bags of any color and dimension), 1 red for glass and cans (use bags of any color), 1 for the undifferentiated (use white bags)

When the bags are almost (not too much !) full, close them and take them at - 1 floor, where there are the boxes.

Exit from the elevator, go to the left and you reach boxes

Empty the bag with glass and cans in the blu bin.

Close to the blu bin, there is the door of the garbage room itself.

The door is that one more at the left

Open the door with the higher of the 2 keys in the following photo.

Inside the garbage room, empty:

- the white bags with undifferentiated in the first bin that you find at your right just after entering the room

- paper in the "carta e cartone" green bin.

Inside the garbage room, leave: 

- on the ground the white bags with plastic

- the organic in its bin.

Close the door of garbage room.

To come back to the elevator, if the door is close, open it with a second key

Monday, 2 July 2018

Italian "CODICE FISCALE": what is and how to obtain it


- english
- french
- spanish
- deutch

 You can obtain your italian fiscal code asking it to:

Agenzia Delle Entrate 


Telephone:  +39 (0)35 388 0111 
Fax:            +39 (0)35 3880228 
Address:     Largo Bortolo Belotti, 3, 24121 Bergamo BG

For example you can write the following email:

" Dear Sirs,
I am not an italian citizen, but I write you in order to obtain my italian tax (fiscal) code because soon I will rent a room in Bergamo for 45 nights to participate at Ryanair training course and become a Ryanair flying assistant.
Kind regards "

Then, you have to send them the following pdf files:
- tax model AA4/8 hand signed by you 
- first page passport copy
- yourVISA page copy (VISTO studio in case you are an extra UE citizen)

Important Note:
if you live abroad, you can ask your italian fiscal code the first days you will be in Bergamo.
In that case, in the contract there will be written that you MUST write to the owner your italian fiscal code WITHIN 15 DAYS after the first day (ceck in) you will be in his apartment.

How to receive further informations, book, pay

Those interested must scrupulously follow the procedure below. FIRST   READ CAREFULLY this blog where you will find information, PHO...